Module 9
Applied Regression Analysis
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the Applied Regression Analysis Module, students will be able to
- Explain regression analysis and its application
- Perform regression analysis using statistical software, including MS Excel & Minitab
- Explain regression analysis outputs in the context of the problem, including
- ANOVA table
- Model summary statistics
- Functional relationship
- Regression coefficients in the context of the problem
- Perform regression diagnostic analysis using statistical Software, including MS Excel and Minitab
- Explain the regression diagnostic analysis results, including
- Verifying the linearity assumption
- Both visual and statistical checks for unusual observations: outlier, leverage and influential points
- Check for the normality of residuals
- Check for variance homogeneousness (constancy)
- Check for correlated residuals
- Perform the Lack-of-Fit test and interpret the results