Module 11
Expected Mean Square
Basics to the Advanced Design of Experiments
Split-Plot, Nested, Repeated Measure, Hierarchical, Sub-Sampling, & Mixed Models
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completing the Expected Mean Square (EMS) basics to the advanced design of experiments, students will be able to.
Explain ANOVA Model I, Model II and Model III
Explained Fixed, Random, Nested, and Mixed effect models
Develop the Expected Mean Square table for any complex designs, including both restricted and unrestricted models
Using the step-by-step easy to apply process
Using the alternative/short-cut method
Determine the correct divisor for the F-Statistics/F-test
Perform the pseudo/approximate F-tests, including calculating the denominator degrees of freedom.
Distinguish between restricted vs unrestricted mixed model
Apply the correct mixed model between the restricted and unrestricted ones