Module 13

Taguchi Robust Parameter Design

Data/Files Used in the Video

  1. Data Used in the Video for Robust Parameter Taguchi Design of Experiment

  2. How to Construct Taguchi Orthogonal Arrays Bose Design Generator

  3. How to Construct Taguchi Orthogonal Arrays Plackett-Burman Design Generator

  4. Taguchi Linear Graphs Possible Interactions

  5. Taguchi Interaction Table Development How to

Video Demonstrations

  1. Robust parameter Taguchi Design Terms Explained

  2. Introduction To Robust Parameter Taguchi Design of Experiments Analysis Steps Explained

  3. Robust Parameter Taguchi Design Signal to Noise Ratio Calculation in MS Excel

  4. Robust Parameter Taguchi Design Example in MS Excel

  5. Robust Parameter Taguchi Design Example in Minitab

  6. How to Construct Taguchi Orthogonal Array L8(2^7) in MS Excel

  7. How to Construct Taguchi Orthogonal Array L9(3^4) in MS Excel

  8. How to Construct Taguchi Orthogonal Array L16(4^5) in MS Excel (MS Excel file for the Design)

  9. How to Construct Taguchi Orthogonal Array L16(2^15) in MS Excel

  10. How to Construct Taguchi Orthogonal Array L32(2^31) in MS Excel

  11. Construct Any (Taguchi) Orthogonal Arrays upto L36(2^35) in MS Excel

  12. Taguchi Linear Graphs Explained and How to Use Them

  13. Taguchi Triangular Interactions Table Explained and How to Use them in the Design of Experiments

  14. Taguchi Interaction Table Construction Design of Experiments How to

  15. Taguchi Linear Graphs, Interactions Table, Design Resolution, Alias Structure, & Fractional Factorial Design of Experiments

  16. How to Create Robust Parameter Taguchi Design in Minitab

  17. How to perform Robust Parameter Taguchi Static Analysis in Minitab

  18. How to perform Robust Parameter Taguchi Dynamic Analysis in Minitab

  19. How to perform Robust Parameter Taguchi Dynamic Analysis in MS Excel

  20. Robust Parameter Taguchi Dynamic Analysis Regress Method in MS Excel and Minitab


Robust Parameter Optimization (Module 11: Taguchi Design of Experiments)

  1. Kacker, R. N., Lagergren, E. S., & Filliben, J. J. (1991). Taguchi’s orthogonal arrays are classical designs of experiments. Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 96(5), 577. (for Video #6-10)

  2. Plackett, R. L., & Burman, J. P. (1946). The design of optimum multifactorial experiments. Biometrika, 305-325. (for Video #11)

  3. Taguchi, G., Chowdhury, S., Wu, Y., Taguchi, S., & Yano, H. (2011). Taguchi's quality engineering handbook. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. (Video #12)

  4. Chowdhury, S., & Taguchi, S. (2016). Robust Optimization: World's Best Practices for Developing Winning Vehicles. John Wiley & Sons.